Terms & Conditions (Coaching & Events)

Padelspeed Booking Terms and Conditions for Individual Sessions, Group Coached Courses, Box Leagues, Tournaments & Demonstration Events

Group Coaching Terms and Conditions

1. Group coaching bookings must be made online in advance using the Padelspeed.com booking system. No other payment system will be accepted.
2. Coaching sessions must be booked in the name of the player and are non-transferable to anyone else.
3. Group coaching places are subject to availability and are sold on a first come first served basis. A waiting list will be created and players who have indicated their wish to join the class will be contacted if a place becomes available.
4. Players booking and attending a coaching session are assumed to be fully fit. If this is not the case, the player or their guardian must inform the coach at the outset of the lesson in advance of any medical condition or disability which may be relevant to the coaching session. This should also be recorded in advance by email to coaching@padelspeed.co.uk. We must also be notified of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability. We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion.
5. Junior players (parent or guardian) must provide an emergency contact number which is relevant to the time of the lesson, so that a parent or guardian may be contacted in the event of an emergency.
6. Players bringing any medical equipment to their lesson must indicate to the coach at the outset of the lesson the location of the medical equipment so it can be located quickly and easily in the event of an emergency.
7. When a player books a group coaching, that session will go ahead as long as four players are booked onto it. If there is only one player booked on, we will notify the player of this fact prior to the lesson. The player then has the option of either cancelling and receiving a full refund or attending a course of the same level any other day.
8. For your convenience we have adapted our coaching price into comfortable monthly payments. When booking group tennis coaching a player is committing to the entire time of the Subscription before cancellation. You can cancel your subscription at any time, just give us 1 month notice (before payment date 1st of the month). When purchasing a membership with pro-rata payment the payment date is also the 1st of the month.
If you cancel your membership without a month notice period, you will be still liable for the remainder of the subscription (1 month), as well as an additional £25 administration fee. An alternative payment method will be sent to you to the email provided in your booking. 3% daily Interest for late payment will apply after 21 days from receipt of notification.
In the case of failing to pay the outstanding amount within 21 days from the date of receiving the above notification, your debt will be transferred to a debt collection company, who may take your debt to court. Padelspeed operates a policy that if your direct debit is defaulted or cancelled without the month notice, then Padelspeed reserves the right to withdraw the option of proving you with any other service in the future.
9. Subscriptions cannot be exchanged or moved to a different venue from the venue purchased.
10. Monthly price for subscriptions has been prorated considering 49 weeks coaching weeks a year and 2,5 weeks breaks in the following dates:
25th - 31st August  2025
22nd December 2025 - 2nd January 2026
11. Padelspeed Ltd reserves the right to refuse the entry onto a coaching course or advise a more appropriate session if any participant is found not to be of the appropriate age/ability for the group. The participant will be provided with an alternative course appropriated to the level to choose the preferable one. We are unable to offer a refund.
12. In the event if a player wishes to switch onto another course, subject to availability, Padelspeed Ltd reserves the right to allow or to refuse to transfer the booking to another course. We are unable to offer a refund.
13. If a player is unable to continue with the coaching or to attend lessons, we will not be able to issue refunds. Although we will consider special circumstances related to your absence (Medical Certificate) to provide you with credit.
14. If a player misses a session, we are unable to offer a refund, credit or make-up session unless there are exceptional circumstances (Medical certificate).
15. Any subscription to a group coaching can be cancelled in writing by e-mail to coaching@padelspeed.co.uk and be received within a minimum of 7 days of the commencement of the course. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted.
Cancellation of any group coaching course made within the time period above will be refunded in full, less a £25 administration fee.
16. In the event of poor weather conditions or extreme heat, a coached session may be cancelled. The decision on whether to cancel a session for health and safety reasons will be taken by the Coach responsible for that session at the time of the session. Please assume lessons are going ahead unless contacted.
17. The lessons wouldn't be cancelled in advance for bad weather conditions, the decision will be taken at the time of the lessons, players presented at the time of the cancellation will be able to make the session up. We will offer you a space in a different group suitable for your age and level twice. Lessons are due to be made up during active subscription. You will be able to make up a lesson just when spaces are available. In the case that any of the alternative dates are not suitable for you we will not be able to offer you more alternative dates, refund, cancellation. Coaches will be there for the first 15 minutes of the lesson when the lesson is cancelled.
18. In the event of the tennis coach being unable to provide the session due to illness or any other circumstance we will be in contact with you to let you know that the lesson is cancelled. A make-up session will be provided to the player to recover the missed lesson. We are unable to offer a refund. Lessons are to be made up when the subscription is active.
19. Force Majeure: We cannot, however, accept liability for any loss, damage or expense or make refunds in the event of any changes (whether before or during the courses) arising from force
majeure such as war, threat of war, riots, civil unrest, strikes, natural disasters, fire, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics, weather conditions, government actions, or other events beyond our control.
20. Some sessions will go ahead in bad weather. Others will not. Please assume in the first instance that all sessions will go ahead and bring suitable waterproof or cold weather clothes for the conditions. If the Coach decides that a session needs to be cancelled before the session begins, or before the end of 20 minutes into that session, players will have the option to make up the lesson subject to active subscription. We are unable to offer a refund.
21. If the lesson is cancelled in advance due snow or severe storm, we will notify the players and they will be able to make up that lesson subject to active subscription. We are unable to offer a refund. In the event of such a cancellation, you will be contacted by email or text using the contact details you have provided to the Padelspeed.com booking service. Please ensure that these details are correct and please confirm receipt of the lesson cancellation on each occasion.
(The Padelspeed office will contact everyone in the class at once and so will not be able to respond individually to texts, e-mails or calls querying the weather).
22. Sometimes, decisions will be made at the last minute, as the weather is so changeable. While we are always keen for sessions to go ahead, please respect that the health and safety of our players and coaches is our first consideration.

Private Lessons Policy

1. If you cannot attend a private lesson let us know within 48 hours in advance to change your private lesson to a different day or time. Cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance will not have the option to change the lesson for a different day or time. We are unable to offer a refund.
2. A private lesson can be rearranged just once when notified 48 hours in advance unless we cancel the lesson due to bad weather.
3. When the block of lessons is booked, a player can rearrange 2 lessons if notified 48 hours advance.
4. Booking and payment must be made in advance.
5. When booking a private lesson or block of private lessons the player is committing to the session or the entire block. In the event if a player wishes to cancel the session or block of sessions, we are unable to offer a refund. In case a sick note is provided, the player will be offered a credit for private coaching for the unused lessons to be used within 6 months from the time the cancellation took place.
6. Cancellations, weather policies, make up and general group policies also apply to private lessons.

Tournament & Event Booking Policy

Please be aware that your booking in respect of your participation in a tournament or demonstration event (“Event”) with Padelspeed Ltd (“Padelspeed”, “us” or “we”) will be governed by the following Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully and feel free to contact us via orders@padelspeed.co.uk should any points be unclear.


Your booking for each Event, once accepted and confirmed in writing to you, represents a contract between you and Padelspeed (the “Contract”). The Contract is based on the information provided to you in writing prior to booking and is governed by these Terms and Conditions. Your contract is with Padelspeed Ltd (Company Registration Number 15528608), whose registered address is: Padelspeed Ltd, 20 The Garth, Caerphilly, CF83 4ES.

You are entering into the Contract on your own behalf and on behalf of everyone in your group that is taking part in the Event (“Your Group”). Please ensure that all members of Your Group are aware of these Terms and Conditions as they will apply to all members of Your Group.

In entering into this Contract, we will consider you to be the organiser of Your Group (“Group Organiser”). As the Group Organiser, you must be over 18 years of age and agree that we cannot accept bookings from any teams unaccompanied by supervising adults.


Event Price
The price applicable for each Event organised by Padelspeed is as presented in writing to the Group Organiser.

Invoices and Payments
Your booking confirmation will include an invoice showing the balance of all sums due to Padelspeed from you, along with any monies paid by you in advance. All outstanding balances must be paid by the due dates stated in the invoice.

When booking, you will need to make an initial deposit payment, followed by a stage payment and then a final balance payment. The dates on which the stage payment and final balance payment are due will be set out in the invoice. This has been designed to enable you to plan and collect monies in appropriate timelines from the other members of Your Group and for us to be able to plan ahead with the Event arrangements. Should we not receive the relevant payment by the dates stated in the invoice, then we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled. In such instance, all monies paid by you up to the date of any such cancellation will be retained by Padelspeed and no refunds will be given.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You, as the Group Organiser, are making this booking on your own behalf and on behalf of all members of Your Group. You are directly responsible for the payment of all of the monies due to Padelspeed for the booking. This is the case irrespective of whether you are reimbursed by other members of Your Group in respect of the booking.

If for any reason a payment by cheque is returned unpaid by the issuing bank, or has to be represented, a charge of £25 will be levied by us to cover the bank and administration charges incurred.


You may cancel your booking with us, but if you do so then a cancellation charge will apply. The cancellation charges are set out below. As soon as you know that you need to cancel your booking, you must contact us by emailing orders@padelspeed.co.uk to confirm the cancellation.

Cancellation charges are calculated from the day Padelspeed receives written instruction from you to cancel a booking, and apply as follows:

Length of time from the date of cancellation to the start of the event

16 weeks or more: Cancellation charge payable by you is the deposit payment only.
8 – 16 weeks: Cancellation charge payable by you is the deposit payment and stage payment.
Less than 8 weeks: Cancellation charge payable by you is 100% of event fee.

If you or Your Group have insurance cover and cancel your booking due to illness, accident or a change of circumstances, then the cancellation charges which apply may be covered by your insurance policy. In such instances, we recommend you check with your insurer.


All Events organised by Padelspeed are insured for ‘public liability’ purposes. Padelspeed holds Public Liability Insurance to the value of £1million and Employers Liability Insurance to the value of £5million. However, Padelspeed’ insurance does not cover Your Group’s public liability, or personal accident or injury whilst at an Event, except where such liability is caused by our negligence. These are risks which are borne by you and Your Group.

All members of Your Group need to be physically fit and able to participate in sporting activities and, accordingly, all members of Your Group accept all risks which may result from their own participation in the Event. As a participatory sporting event, each member of Your Group participates in the Event entirely ‘at their own risk’. Padelspeed cannot accept responsibility for death or personal injury to a participant, however serious and howsoever caused (including, but not limited to, poor pitch condition), except where such death or personal injury is caused by Padelspeed’ own negligence. All members of Your Group are encouraged to make sure they have their own personal and public liability insurance in place before taking part in the Event. It is your responsibility as the Group Organiser to inform all members of Your Group and/or their parents or guardians (or any other such responsible person) accordingly.

Padelspeed cannot accept responsibility for death or personal injury (however serious and howsoever caused including, but not limited to, death or injury due to adverse weather conditions or damage to the facilities, e.g. seating and seating fixings) to any person attending an Event (whether as participant or spectator) whilst on the venue premises (including car parks), except where such death or personal injury is caused by Padelspeed’ own negligence. It is your responsibility as the Group Organiser to inform all members of Your Group and/or their parents or guardians (or any other such responsible person) accordingly.


It is a condition of Your Group’s participation in the Event that you and each member of Your Group agree to accept the authority and decisions of the Padelspeed organisers and venue management in attendance at the relevant Event.

All visitors to the venue (whether members of Your Group or spectators connected to Your Group) where the Event is being held must, at all times, comply with the instructions and regulations of the venue and /or its officers, employees or agents. All visitors to the venue where the Event is being held must not do anything on the premises, or any adjoining or neighbouring premises, in such a way as to cause damage, nuisance, annoyance, disturbance, inconvenience, injury or damage to the venue or the owners or occupiers of adjacent or neighbouring premises.

It is your responsibility as the Group Organiser to ensure the behaviour of all members of Your Group is acceptable at all times at the Event. In extreme cases of unacceptable behaviour by members of Your Group, Padelspeed and the venue where the Event is being held reserve the right to eject, without warning, any person from the venue, and its premises, whose conduct is considered unacceptable. This also includes the right to terminate Your Group’s participation in an Event whereby part or all of a group may be required to leave the premises. In such circumstances Padelspeed shall not refund any sums paid by you in respect of the booking.

Every individual (or responsible individual) in Your Group is responsible for their own safety (and the safety of minor(s) under their control) and the safe-keeping of their personal property/possessions at all times. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss of personal property/possessions.

You will be charged for any damages at the venue caused by members of Your Group. As Group Organiser, you will be held accountable for any damage caused to the Event venue or Event venue facilities by any members of Your Group or any connected spectators or for the theft of any property belonging to the venue where the Event is being staged.

No alcohol is allowed to be brought into the Event venue. Smoking is strictly prohibited anywhere inside the Event venues. The taking of any dangerous or illegal substances into the premises of the venue where the Event is being held is also strictly prohibited. Anyone caught with such dangerous or illegal substances in their possession will be ejected from the Event venue immediately and may be liable to prosecution.


For all groups booking to take part in a tournament event (“Tournament”), final briefing details will be sent to the Group Organisers of all participating teams 5-10 days before the Tournament takes place. The final briefing will include fixtures, schedules and the Tournament rules.


Where you make a booking to take part in a Junior Tournament you will be required to complete a Player Registration Form, which includes the name and date of birth of each player in Your Group. As Group Organiser, you shall confirm that all such details are correct. Padelspeed will retain a copy of this form in the event that it should be necessary to follow up a query about a player’s age.

Padelspeed shall only use the personal information held in the Player Registration Form for the purposes of organising the Event. In supplying personal information on the Player Registration Form, each member of Your Group consents to Padelspeed processing its personal data in such a way. You shall ensure that each member of Your Group is aware of this and gives their consent accordingly.


Your competition age group is determined by your year of birth – this applies to both juniors (8U - 18U) and seniors (30+). See the LTA's competition age groups page and calculator for more information.


Teams are responsible for organising their own transport to and from the Event venue. Padelspeed cannot be held liable for any part of the Event missed due to your failure to arrive at the Event venue at the time advised in your final briefing details.


All Padelspeed Junior Tournament event managers are DBS checked.


Independent, qualified referees or umpires are appointed for all major events but may not be present at graded or other tournaments.


Padelspeed will ensure the provision of first aid medical services at all Events.


By booking your team(s), you are also agreeing that Padelspeed may, if appropriate, use any photographs or video footage taken by the Event photographers or film crew at our Events of individual players or teams, in our marketing literature, website and advertising. You shall ensure that all members of Your Group are also aware of this.

If you do not wish photography or video footage of members of Your Group to be used for this purpose for any reason, you must notify Padelspeed in writing to the email address at the head of these Terms and Conditions.

In order to provide you with the opportunity to purchase official photographs and official video footage from the Event official photographers and official film company, it may be necessary to share your contact details with them. If you do not wish for us to share your contact details with the official photographers or official video company, you must notify Padelspeed in writing to the email address at the head of these Terms and Conditions.


Spectators are allowed to enter the Event venue subject to capacity limits put in place by the Event venue owners. Spectators must remain in the designated seating areas for the duration of the Event. Spectators are not under any circumstances allowed to stand on the side of the pitch or go onto the pitch at any time. The designated seating areas at each Event are controlled and determined by the Event venue. Spectator viewing at an Event may therefore be limited or restricted, dependent on the designated seating areas allocated by the Event venue.


In the unusual event that there are insufficient entries in an age group or category to go ahead with the specific Tournament age group or category, Padelspeed will attempt to offer a suitable alternative for the affected members of Your Group. If there is not an alternative option which is acceptable for those affected members of Your Group, and you wish to cancel those members of Your Group affected from your booking, then any payments made by the affected members of Your Group to Padelspeed prior to such cancellation will be refunded in full.

Whilst every effort is made to mitigate the risk, we cannot accept responsibility if the venue, where the Event is being staged, makes a decision to cancel the Event at any time prior to the day of the Event for their own sporting/business reasons. Such decisions are completely out of our control. A few examples (including but not limited to) of such situations are if the relevant tennis, padel, rackets or other sports club becomes involved in the end of season finals or qualifies for certain major competitions, damage to the facilities, venue renovation works and severe weather conditions. Such matters might be decided very close to the date of the Event and so cancellation, while very unlikely, is possible.

If such an incidence were to occur, Padelspeed would refund all monies paid to us by you in full, however we cannot entertain and will not be liable for, from you or any member of Your Group any claim for loss of monies or costs of any description (such as for travel or accommodation, either individually or collectively), or disappointment or loss of opportunity, incurred as a result of such an Event cancellation.

Whilst every effort will be made to complete all scheduled fixtures at every Event, Padelspeed cannot be held responsible for the curtailment of an Event due to adverse weather conditions or the decision of other teams to withdraw from the Event.

Padelspeed event management and the venue management reserve the right to stop an Event, at any time, if any circumstances arise where the safety of participants/spectators is considered to be at risk, for example (including but not limited to) severe weather conditions. It is possible that in such a situation an Event could be terminated before completion. However unlikely such circumstances may be, and whether or not any such circumstances may be deemed foreseeable (i.e. where it was obvious that such circumstances would happen or both of us knew it might happen), and irrespective of how much of the Event was incomplete, participants/spectators will not be entitled to a full or partial refund of monies paid to Padelspeed unless Padelspeed and the Event venue management, in evaluating the elements of the Event that did not take place and the reasons for them not taking place, deem that an appropriate refund of the monies paid to Padelspeed is due. If deemed appropriate, the refund will be made in line with the proportion of the Event that did not take place. In such occurrence, Padelspeed cannot entertain and will not be liable for, from you or any member of Your Group any claim for loss of monies or costs of any description (such as for travel or accommodation, either individually or collectively), or disappointment or loss of opportunity, incurred as a result of such an Event termination.


Padelspeed shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense which you or Your Group may incur arising from a change or cancellation to your arrangements which occur due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and that of our suppliers. Such events would include, for example, war, threat of war, riots, civil strife, pandemics, industrial disputes, terrorist activity, fire or adverse weather conditions, natural or nuclear disaster, or similar events beyond our control.


In the event that you have any problems with any element of your Event experience, you must advise the Event organisers immediately, so that we can attempt to resolve the problem at once. If the problem cannot be resolved at the Event, then we will ask you as Group Organiser to contact us in writing after the Event with details of the complaint, following which Padelspeed will undertake a full investigation. If you fail to take either of these steps, it will affect our ability to investigate your complaint and may impact the way your complaint is dealt with. In the event of any dispute arising between us, the dispute will be governed by the laws of England & Wales under the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Complaints must be submitted in writing within 28 days of the event.

In the event that any term of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable, all other terms and conditions contained herein shall remain unaffected.

Padelspeed cannot be held responsible for the conduct, behaviour and actions of other teams attending the Event; the decision of teams not to fulfil a scheduled fixture at the Event; loss of property and damage to property/vehicles at the Event venue. Vehicles are left in the Event venue car park or surrounding area entirely at the owners’ risk. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss, theft or damage, however extensive and howsoever caused.

Due to the fact that it is something which would be outside of our control, Padelspeed cannot accept responsibility for the condition of the pitch or the facilities (including, but not limited to, changing facilities, food and beverage outlets and designated seating areas) at the time of the Events, and therefore we will not be able to entertain or be liable for claims, of any description, from any person, if the condition of the pitch or the facilities for an Event is not to their satisfaction.


To the best of our knowledge, all information advised on the website is fully accurate. Please be aware that there may be occasions when facilities or items at Event venues, as stated on the website, are modified or unavailable due to factors beyond our control.

Padelspeed General Policies

1. We can accept no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items whilst on our courses.
2. Any aggressive actions (verbal or physical) towards our staff or clients will not be tolerated.
3. Padelspeed reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions within this document.

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Last updated: 7th January 2025